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A day in the forest

Our Philosophy


The Forest School ethos is rooted in Scandinavian principles that offer children regular, meaningful and eduational contact with local woodland sites. They will be taught species identification, sustainability technqiues and respect for the ancient woodlands that surround us. We will be hands on, muddy and exhausted! 

Forest footsteps is an outdoor site. We spend our days climbing trees, getting muddy, cooking on a campfire, bug hunting or investigating habitats. We also learn to use real tools safely.


So for colder days you will need:


Head to toe wet weather gear

Waterproof boots or snow boots

A change of clothes

Hats and gloves

A drink of water and a snack


For warmer days :


You will need a long sleeved top and long trousers

Closed shoes 

A sunhat and suncream

A drink of water and a snack

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